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June 15, 2006
Observations on Greater China
- Hong Kong is a land covered in billboards of beautiful people, underneath which roam unsatisfactory specimens.
Guangzhou is a land covered in billboards of beautiful people, underneath which roam fugs.
Elsewhere in Mainland China, there aren't much in billboards, but the people are still kinda fugly. - Celebrity endorsements abound, from instant noodles to mattresses. It's not apparent what Jay Chow has to do with instant noodles, though one suspects that the company's prestige is proportional to the size of the names of its endorsers.
- In Guangzhou, the term 靓女 (pretty girl) is used as a term of reference for women, regardless of actual pulchritude. Such debasement is unfortunate, but apparently 小姐 (miss) means a woman in the oldest profession in certain parts of the Mainland, which just really messes me up.
- In response to Flying Chair's observation of Hongkongers' obsession with dermal whiteness (link unavailable), it should be pointed out that Chinese people do not “tan” in the sense that whites or Latinas do. Instead of a healthy bronze, a well-toned Chinese person appears to have severe jaundice. Given the alternative, looking pale as a ghost doesn't seem so bad.
- “Sensitive” content in HK TV news is censored in the Mainland by running, of all things, ads. “Communist” Party, my flaming a--.
- It is despairing to think of the fate of Traditional Chinese characters when you travel and realize that over a billion Chinese people are using horrendously ugly Simplified characters.
Posted by Kelvin at June 15, 2006 1:33 AM
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