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May 3, 2006
Dream of the Red Chamber
I can't wait for the Canadian edition of the 1975 supply crisis.
Here is what a potential Senate refusal of supply would mean:
It makes passing a budget with BQ support look practically angelic.
Remember all those scary things that Stephen Harper said before the election were out to get the Conservatives even after they took office? Turns out the Tories were right.
The Tories now have the perfect excuse not to move an inch on the budget (not that they'd need to, with BQ support): they're standing up against a bunch of old unelected farts.
If Senators are going to actually mess things up, people will be a lot more inclined to want to elect them for themselves.
The assumption that the budget would pass the Senate if passed a second time by the House makes me wonder why anyone would want to do this in the first place.
It seems that the Liberals still don't get how to be the Opposition. One hopes that, for everyone's sakes, that they get plenty of practice. ;)
Posted by Kelvin at May 3, 2006 8:23 PM
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