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October 29, 2005

Look, it's about time!

Look album, ‘Milan’ edition cover.  ©2005 Yesasia.com (HK) Ltd.  Original cover ©2005 Warner Music Hong Kong.

Good to see the new Gigi Leung album will finally come out on November 3rd (regular ‘Milan’ edition shown above, limited edition also available). It's unfortunate that the HK music industry pretty much requires an artist to release an album every six months or so to be competitive, but that's the way the cookie crumbles, so like everyone else, Gigi will be releasing an album that would probably be a whole lot more interesting if it had been released half a year later with twice as many songs.

Besides the fact that I've loved her for years (a concept that's probably counterintuitive in HK right now), I like the fact that Gigi is trying out new things as she reaches another stage in her career. Her songwriting, for example, has been an unexpected delight. I haven't really heard too much of the songs that have been plugged for this album, so I hope to be pleasantly surprised.

But honestly, deep down inside, what I'm really looking forward to is more of this.

Posted by Kelvin at October 29, 2005 11:48 PM

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Hey Kelvin, do you know of any good placed to download some of her music?

I started listening to her when I was in China and I just wish I would have bought some of her CD's to brin back with me instead of leaving them with my wife.

Posted by: The Horse's Mouth . at November 17, 2005 6:32 AM

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