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March 11, 2005
Same Song, Different Verse
With the PRC's anti-secession law in the works, and Taiwan separatists itching for a legal response, Simon asks “what are the similarities and differences in the China/Taiwan situation and the Canada/Quebec one?” It's like I was born to answer this one, so here's my take. In short, the two biggest differences between China's and Canada's separatist problems are:
Right now, Canada exercises sovereignty over Quebec. The PRC doesn't exercise sovereignty over the ROC.
The Canada/Quebec issue is based on two separate cultures forced under one political roof. On the other hand, while Taiwan did suffer the Japanese colonization, the majority population was still Han Chinese, and the Kuomintang managed to re-assert Chinese cultural and political dominance soon enough. The new Taiwanese self-proclaimed “nationality” is a very recent invention: both sides of the Strait share the same cultural base.
Because of these differences, the legal drama in China/Taiwan is quite different from that in Canada/Quebec, despite the tit-for-tat legislating, because:
Quebec does not have de facto independence. Therefore, the purpose of Clarity Act is political, because the Quebec government will find it politically impossible to seek independence without meeting its requirements (despite its attempts to suggest otherwise).
At this moment, de facto separation of the PRC and ROC is indisputable, so all that's left for the Taiwanese separatists is de jure recognition. The playing field, therefore, is wholly legal, and the anti-secession law is a direct move on that field, as opposed to the Clarity Act, which is in fact a move on the political playing field of that question.
That's probably the simplest one can answer the question with sufficient detail and background information. I'd like to know what others have to say about this as well.
Posted by Kelvin at March 11, 2005 11:23 PM
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