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February 18, 2005
New Toy!
Finally, after much consideration, I bought the Creative MuVo Micro N200 (512 MB) for $138 CAD. For $9 more than the equivalent iPod Shuffle, I get a Unicode-compatible LCD screen, an armband, belt clip, and line-in cable. Of course, I'm sure the Shuffle has its target audience (people already owning a large HDD player that needs something for exercise), but that audience doesn't include myself.
I'm wasting most of my break watching the previous season of Law & Order: Criminal Intent. Crazy political actors aside, I can't think of a better way to spend the day.
And I don't know a thing about what's happening in the world these days. Except that hockey is officially dead. Or maybe not. Not that a season is worth having at this point anyways.
UPDATE (2005/02/19 0242PST): I just realized that almost exactly a year ago, Ivy bought an MP3 player, with half my storage and from a less established brand, for $90 more (label price), or more than 70% above what I paid. Or, putting it another way, a 256MB player from an approximately equally respectable brand costs $150 less today than a year ago. Do not believe, however, that this is comforting to me, because the trend isn't likely to stop any time soon, so my player seem just as pathetic in a year's time. Depressing, isn't it?
Posted by Kelvin at February 18, 2005 10:24 PM
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