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January 11, 2005
Want New MP3 Player!

With the latest gifts to us mere mortals from Steve Jobs, I now have two options:
- Pay $88 for a 128MB MP3 player with a Chinese-compatible display (this is the non-Apple option). 128MB would probably hold about two hours of music.
PRO: less $$, I don't actually need that much space, can actually figure out what song I'm listening to and find other songs.
CON: less bang for buck, uses AAA batteries, not much cool factor. - Pay $129 (or $189) for a 512MB (or 1GB) MP3 player with no display. 512MB would probably hold about four hours of music, 1GB would hold eight.
PRO: incredible value, off-the-chart cool factor, uses internal batteries.
CON: incredible frustration of finding one song out of hundreds without an LCD screen, paying more $$
I can't say this enough: I want the iPod shuffle! But I'm freaked out about the lack of a screen; it would seem to be an even bigger issue when dealing with the amount of songs suggested by Apple (I can probably store even more; most Cantopop songs are shorter). But can't you just imagine the drool factor?
Recommendations are most welcome. Note that any MP3 player with a screen must have Chinese support (else there's no point in reading gibberish), which sort of restricts my options. But I'm willing to forsake the screen if it's worth it, which is the point of this debate.
Posted by Kelvin at January 11, 2005 11:30 PM
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